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Manufacturing Cybersecurity Guidance

Oct. 16, 2024

Small manufacturing organizations face unique cybersecurity challenges but can boost their defenses with practical strategies. Leveraging recommendations from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides a clear roadmap for safeguarding operations.

Challenges for Small Manufacturers

  • Limited Resources: Tight budgets and limited IT staff constrain advanced security adoption.
  • Operational Technology (OT) Security: Legacy OT systems and IoT integration increase risks.
  • Supply Chain Risks: Vulnerabilities arise from third-party suppliers lacking robust security.

NIST Cybersecurity Guidance

NIST provides tailored guidance for small manufacturing organizations to protect their systems effectively:

  • Use the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF): The CSF offers a flexible, risk-based approach that aligns with an organization’s size and complexity.
  • Implement Basic Security Controls: Small manufacturers should prioritize foundational practices like strong passwords, secure software updates, access controls, and regular backups.
  • Monitor and Secure Operational Technology (OT): Segment networks to limit the spread of malware between IT and OT environments.
  • Supply Chain Security: Ensure third-party vendors have cybersecurity practices aligned with industry standards.

Practical Cybersecurity Strategies

  • Password and Authentication Policies: Strengthen security with multi-factor authentication (MFA) and strong passwords.
  • Regular Software Updates: NIST advises automating software updates to patch vulnerabilities quickly.
  • Employee Awareness: Educate employees on common cybersecurity threats like phishing.
  • Network Security: Implement firewalls and network segmentation to isolate threats.
  • Incident Response Plan: Develop and test an incident response plan based on NIST guidelines.

By adopting NIST’s cybersecurity recommendations, small manufacturers can implement cost-effective strategies to protect themselves from cyber threats. These steps, combined with employee training and secure backups, help safeguard operations from ransomware and other attacks.

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

Is your organization truly secure against cyber threats? Do you have the right security policies, tools, and practices in place to protect your data, reputation, and productivity? If you’re not sure, it’s time for a cybersecurity risk assessment (CSRA). Our cybersecurity risk assessment will meticulously identify and evaluate vulnerabilities and risks within your IT environment. We’ll assess your network, systems, applications, and devices, and provide you a detailed report and action plan to improve your security posture. Don't wait until it's too late.